clinical trial study university Harvard Yale Auburn Temple olive oil functional foods olive oil table olives heart Alzheimers ingredients human health natural

Long-term synergies with researchers, scientific institutions and medical schools in areas related to the improvement of human health are at the core of Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms.

With our organic olive oils and table olives, due to their very high content of health-protective ingredients, university studies, as well as clinical research, are carried out in renowned institutions in Greece and abroad.

Scientific research proves that our organic olive products belong to the innovative Bio-Functional foods, known internationally under the terms Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals.

In the USA, clinical research and studies with our organic olive oils and table olives are conducted at the Schools of Public Health of Harvard and Yale Universities, as well as Auburn and Temple University departments, assisted by Yale School of Medicine, the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)-Auburn Campus, the Department of Drug Discovery and Development at Auburn University's Harrison College of Pharmacy, as well as the Temple University Alzheimer's Research Center.

In Greece, three (3) clinical studies have already been carried out by the Department of Pharmacy of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, in collaboration with the Hypertension Unit of the First University Cardiology Clinic of the Ippokratio General Hospital of Athens and the Biopathology Laboratory of the 401 General Military Hospital Athens.

Oleocanthal plus cardio Yale University School of public health organic olive oil Plus Health Green cardio Greek Sakellaropoulos Farms benefits consumption

Auburn, Temple, Yale - "EVOO for Brain Health" Research Project

Description: Researchers from three American universities, Auburn, Temple and Yale School of Public Health, are starting a new research project along with conducting a clinical trial at Auburn University to evaluate the effect of high phenolic olive oil, mainly oleocanthal, in healthy people with a family history of Alzheimer's disease.

Their primary purpose is to study and investigate the effect of adding EVOO to the daily diet of healthy volunteers and whether it could be protective in people with a family history of Alzheimer's, usually associated with a genetic predisposition.

HARVARD - School of Public Health - "FEEDING AMERICA'S BRAVEST" Intervention Trial

HARVARD - School of Public Health - "Feeding America's Bravest" Intervention Trial

Description: The organic olive oils by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms participate in the Mediterranean Diet Intervention Trial, conducted by the School of Public Health of Harvard University in the USA.

The purpose of the whole study is to prove that by changing the nutritional habits, in a scientifically proven way, in groups of people who have a high risk of disease and especially heart attacks during the performance of their work, such as firefighters, this risk is reduced to extremely high and remarkable rates.

Oleocanthal plus cardio Yale University School of public health organic olive oil Plus Health Green cardio Greek Sakellaropoulos Farms benefits consumption

Yale - School of Public Health - "Oleocanthal Plus" Cardio

Description: Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health in collaboration with Dr. Artemis Morris, of the Artemis Wellness Naturopathic Practice (Milford, Connecticut, USA), announce the launch of a new preparatory project entitled “Oleocanthal Plus” Cardio.

The "Plus Health Green EVOO" high oleocanthal olive oil by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms was exclusively selected to be incorporated into the standard of care and the daily nutrition of the participating patients, while changes in collected cardiovascular parameters will be collected through the Cardiac IQ test.

YALE - School of Public Health - Olives for Health study

YALE - School of Public Health - "Olives for Health" Research Project

Description: Researchers from Yale School of Public Health in the United States, in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Cardiology at Yale School of Medicine, has announced that it is undertaking a new research project on the human health benefits associated with daily consumption of table olives.

The research enntitled "OLIVES FOR HEALTH" has been registered in the scientific database of clinical studies and the organic Kalamata table olives by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms were exclusively selected to participate.

Kalamata olives Lipidemic cholesterol patient HDL LDL Sakellaropoulos Organic trial NKUA university health phenols tyrosol decrease dietary supplement study

NKUA - 3rd Clinical Study - Organic olives by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms in a dietary supplement for cholesterol and health improvement

Description: The third clinical study by the Department of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) on the positive effect of the consumption of Kalamata table olives on the lipidemic profile of patients with hyperlipidemia.

The results of two previous clinical trials, with a daily intake of just 5 organic olives by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms, allowed the research team of the Department of Pharmacy of NKUA to conduct the first part of the 3rd study which was carried out in patients with hyperlipidemia, who received daily 2 capsules of the dietary supplement that has been notified to the National Organization for Medicines and was produced from organic olives by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms.

Kalamon Kalamata olives Lipidemic cholesterol patients Hyperlipidemia HDL LDL Sakellaropoulos Organic Farm trial NKUA university health phenols tyrosol decrease

NKUA - 2nd Clinical Study - "Effect of Daily Consumption of Kalamon Table Olives on the Lipidemic Profile of Patients with Hyperlipidemia"

Description: The second clinical study by the Department of Pharmacy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) on the positive effect of the consumption of Kalamata table olives on the lipidemic profile of patients with hyperlipidemia.

The impressive results of the clinical trial, made it possible for the research team under professor Mr. Magiatis Prokopios, to convert the organic table olives of Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms in the form of encapsulated powder, for their beneficial effect in the regulation of cholesterol levels, with an international patent.

clinical study olives table Kalamata lipidemic profile cholesterol hdl ldl reduce valsamikes phenolic polyphenols oleocanthal heart disease cardiovascular

NKUA - 1st Clinical Study - "Effect of consumption of natural Kalamata olives"

Description: The first clinical study by the Department of Pharmacy of the Natioanal and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) on the positive effect of the consumption of Kalamata type olives on the lipidemic profile of healthy volunteers and in particular on the LDL / HDL cholesterol ratio and the protection of the cardiovascular system.

The Kalamata table olives used are produced exclusively by Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms and were selected due to their exceptionally high polyphenol concentration (tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol).


Sakellaropoulos Organic Farming

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